Prep & Care

The most common questions we get from our clients

  • Waxing should be completed at least 48 hours prior to your appt. Shaving should be completed at least 24 hours with a razor with no moisture strip.
  • Exfoliate 48-24 hours prior to appt. Use exfoliating mitt or washcloth, stray away from anything oil based.
  • Complete manicures, pedicures, facials, & hair appts 48 hours before tan appt.
  • Wear dark, loose-fitting clothing with open-toed sandals (avoid socks) to your appt. Keep in mind bronzer may transfer.
  • Avoid using Dove/Olay soaps or bar soaps. Use gel-based body wash. If you absolutely have to shower on the day of, only rinse with water.
  • Forgo any lotions, oils, deodorants, perfumes, or makeup day of appt.

Post Spray Tan Care

  • Avoid Moisture- water, rain, sweating, snow, & working out before your first rinse
  • First Rinse- luke warm water rinse only, use your hands to gently rinse off the bronzer
  • Do not exceed rinse times given by The Glow Co
  • Moisturize- moisturize daily with oil-free lotion
  • Avoid the following: hot tubs, long baths, chlorine, salt water, facials, manicures, pedicures, waxing, and shaving to prolong tan
  • Exfoliate old tan to entirety before new spray tan
  • Stay hydrated and wear SPF!

Let us bring the glow to you!

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